Sunday 8 April 2012


Well it has started and time for the annual leg muscle aches, the routine of stretching, treating every meal as fuel and the sallying forth to transport people by leg muscle alone.
I'm glad that this year I've reduced the working days down for the bike to thursday daytime and friday/saturday nights.

 The furniture for the yurts is coming on (swing by my website and things are coming together.

Now for a little rant,
 will certain non-elected authorities please start following the policies demanded by elected authorities and it's consituents.
It's bloody hard earning a living now so SUPPORT the small business people not forever placing greater issues or concerns in front of them because you are all of the opinion that we are subservient, well we're not.

Monday 19 December 2011

Pavement life

pavement life-
interactions with passing folk, meetings of lives, knowledge,
staring into the windows of a shop or watching a cloud float by,
no rule of thumb to be observed,
momentary fleeting glance of freedom.
of debonair they cast the air
of sunlight liquid gold.
a multidude of meaningless thought
occupies the silent space.